Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Today I enter the world of blogging!

I put it off as long as possible. But this morning after a long walk on a rocky beach--where I counted 82 purple starfish, and then sat on a log while I listened to my nine year old niece read part of a chapter book via cell phones --I decided to start a blog. Although I have some understanding of what a blog is and why authors need to have one, I'm still very confused by the word itself. Who decides these things anyway? Webster's posterity? Google CEOs? Was there a worldwide search for the best new word to describe personal online journaling? Somehow I missed it. Perhaps it's a subliminal acronym that means Building Lots-of Online Groups...or Brandishing Levels Of Gerund. But if one is referring to blogging on a blog would that be gerunding?? Now I really am confused! The brutal truth is this: I feel like a forty-something year old kindergartener on her first day of school. I'm excited about meeting new kinder-writing-friends. I'm looking forward to "sharing time" when everyone gets to chat about their accomplishments and ideas. I'm hoping we have "story time" frequently so we can learn about new books, authors, and that thing beyond elementary school, high school and college called the "real world"...otherwise known as the publishing industry! Basically, starting a blog and figuring out what to say on that very first post is almost as daunting as writing my first synopsis for my first novel.

Writing the novel itself was not daunting. It was exhilarating, free-flowing, focused and just plain fun! Probably most YA fiction writers would concur. But this post is only the introduction for my blog not the whole story. Check out the following posts: Brief Synopsis of the Novel; Writing of the Novel; Sneak Peak Reads; My Writer's W.I.T.; What, Where and Why I Write; and Favorite Writing Resources on the side links.

If this happened to be a pitch to a literary agent it would obviously be far too long, too choppy, and too random. (Pitching is a topic for another post all together!!) But for fellow author-bloggers I'm hoping it meets the criteria. Mostly, whoever you are and for whatever reason you happen to have found my website, I just want to say, "Welcome. And thanks for taking the time to add to your list of favorites."

Living with joy,

S.L. Whyte


  1. Great blog, great pictures, great quotes. Can't wait to check in on you often! Looks like you've already had quite a few people view your blog!
    Good luck with this process. I know you'll excel!

  2. I am thrilled you are sharing your adventure of becoming a famous author! My daughter has similar dreams so I am excited to watch your progress. I wish you the best of luck! By the way, I was able to just click on the link from your email which took me straight to your blog :)

  3. Good to know about the link from my email. This blogging thing is so new to me. I understand you and your daughter will be at the Sneak Peak Read on Sept. 3! It will be great to chat with you both then.

  4. "blog" comes from "weblog," a developer's term from the 80s for conversations between developers (this is pre-blogspot, wordpress, etc.)

    I'm not fond of the term either, but neither do I like to say that I "tweet." But I guess it's the developers' prerogative, eh?

    Congrats on starting your blogging journey. Let me know if you get stuck on anything!

