Tuesday, March 4, 2014

How I Got Over my Social Media Block (S.M.B.)

Last year, I struggled with social media block, or S.M.B. I know social media is something that every author / businessperson should consistently utilize. I know it’s an invaluable and affordable way to promote your business. But I also know social media is not my forte. My energy is best spent on development, execution of the curriculum, building relationships within the community, etc.

Some time back a friend of mine who is a literary agent suggested I bring on a social media intern. I tried to muddle along on my own but finally, at the end of 2013, I decided it was time to take the agent’s advice and bring on some help. This was easier said than done.

Of course I needed someone with the right tech skills and familiarity with social media but it was also important to find someone who felt a genuine connection to our mission. Like finding the right fit for a pair of shoes, this intern must have style, design, and feel as comfortable to work with as my favorite pair of running shoes. He or she would need to pick up the SM pace with excitement, and have a vision and passion for our work at The Stelladaur Academy. The intern must be committed to helping The Stelladaur Academy grow, rather than just looking for something to put on a resume.

I was fortunate enough to interview a handful of candidates nationwide. Each was truly impressive but, in the end, I knew I wanted someone local. As luck would have it, one of the last candidates I interviewed was local, had the right skillset, and is a mother to an amazing young man herself!

A year ago, my social media outlook was bleak. In just a month, we now have Facebook, Twitter and Google + profiles! With my intern’s help, I am Facebooking, Twittering, and even Google Plusing!

The Stelladaur Academy
on Google+

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