Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Transformational Entertainment Meets Transformational Education

Recently I was introduced to the GATE organization: Global Alliance for Transformational Entertainment.  Here is a brief description of what GATE is all about http://gatecommunity.org/what-is-gate/  It's thrilling to know there is such a great interest for artists, entertainers and educators to provide information, resources, and entertainment options that are uplifting, edifying, transformational, and focused on global awareness from the inside out.

Why is this so exciting to me?  Because it's what I write!  Stelladaur: Finding Tir Na Nog is written in a genre I coined as "Young Adult Transformational Fantasy".  A book becomes transformational when the person reading it does so with the intent to make a difference.  Intent transforms!  "The Stelladaur Academy's mission is to provide an online campus where young people discover the value of imagination and intuitiveness in the pursuit of knowledge, creative renewal, and compassionate living."  The novel is used as the main resource in the curriculum. If G.A.T.E. meant Global Alliance for Transformational Education, GATE and The Stelladaur Academy would be twins!

I look forward to meeting with Jim Carey and Echkart Tolle in Hollywood in February at GATE3, and sharing ideas that transform the way we think about entertainment and education!

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