Tuesday, December 4, 2012

When Disappointment Strikes

Part of life is dealing with disappointments. Every day we face challenges that test our ability to cope.  And every day there is an endless list of possible ways in which things don't go as we plan. The alarm didn't go off...There's no hot water...You miss the bus or your car runs out of gas...You get a lower score than you expected on a test...Someone reacts differently than you thought they would...Your lunch tastes "blah"or isn't what you ordered....Your credit card is denied...The movie you thought was going be just what you need to forget about your woes is a huge let down...There's no toothpaste but the store is closed so you go to bed with a really bad taste in your mouth.  Some days are like that.  But the key is to not let that yucky taste linger. Brush it away with a deep sigh and a reminder that tomorrow is another day.

But what happens when the disappointment is much more than an irritation or annoyance? And a sigh brings little relief, or you're not even sure tomorrow will come. What do you do when it's something that grips your heart, and your whole body, into a tight knot? You didn't get the job you felt sure you had in the bag...Someone you love betrays you...The doctor uses the word "terminal"...Your parents use the word "divorce", and mean it...A dream is shattered. These deep disappointments, and countless other scenarios, are often labeled as tragedies.  However, when it's something that's completely out of our control, the best refuge comes from within. Times like these give us opportunity to define and refine our mind, our heart, and our soul.  Or at least our resolve to not let the situation drive us to depression or despair.  Allow the experience to increase our desire for a deeper and more meaningful life.

Easy to do?  Absolutely not!  It's an ongoing process indeed.  But when real disappointment strikes, our greatest strength is our ability to decide how we're going to react and what we're going to do with it. It's that very gift of decision that changes us from the inside out.  And makes all the difference.   

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